Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Exhibits for April

This is the first month since my first solo exhibit in December that I don't have a show outside of my own gallery. There are current exhibits at Lars Gallery that will close this month and my display on the third floor of the Aho Museum will be permanent (Whoo-Hoo!) ...but...outside of that, I have a little break to work on new things for May and beyond. My shows at Gulara and Tricia Aferdita's gallery closed at the end of March.
The Mask exhibit was tons of fun. I submitted a transforming mask that opens when you click it. I'm anxious to return and get another look when it isn't so laggy. The show opened on Sunday, March 29, 2009. Lots of great work by a variety of artists.
The Noobs on Parade exhibit was also a riot. It was fun to work on something outside of my comfort zone and it was an experiment with interactive sculpture. See photo. Most of the work was comical. Mine, not so much.
Angel Dorei is hosting an Autism auction that I will be participating in this month. I created a sculpture that I will donate to the cause. I'm experimenting with particle scripts and hope to learn a little along the way. Primagery is still my main focus and I have collected 5 new series for a May show at anandra and am working on 3 more. I have another solo exhibit in May at Autopilotpatty's gallery and will showcase my work to a new audience.
I'm also doing some collaborative work that I will write about a little more about later. All in all, I'm looking forward to the month of April.

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